Lynne is an active 62-year-old empty nester with a demanding corporate job. Running and cycling are two of her favorite activities, and she relies on them as fun and active outlets. “I just gotta exercise!” she says. “I want to stay active so that I can be strong and fit during my retirement.”

“As I have gotten older, I started getting injured more,” she shares. “The last bad one was a couple of years ago when I was training for a marathon, and I literally had to use a cane to walk because my lower back just couldn’t take it anymore.”

No stranger to KCP, Lynne returned to see physical therapist Joyce Kight. “Joyce has seen me so many times. She understands and remembers my body, so she knows how to help me get better. She got me fixed up again like she had so many times in the past, but this time she recommended that I start coming to her fitness training classes. She said it would help strengthen my other muscles and help prevent the reoccurring back pain and injuries. So, I started doing that, and it really made a big difference in my overall health,” she says.

Lynne attends a workout group twice weekly with other active members her age. “It’s a small group and it’s a customized set of exercises that changes every session,” she says. “Joyce is very deliberate about trying to help us improve our posture since so many of us sit hunched over a computer all the time. She also helps us with strength and balance, and I can do harder things than I might not have otherwise done. And with the group, we’ve all become friends and have seen each other through kids’ weddings and parents’ aging issues and life. I’m not only there for the workout. I’m also just seeing my friends and being a part of a community. “

Lynne says that the community environment at KCP is important to her. “The staff is always welcoming, and you never feel like you’re just there to grab a number like you do in a large clinic. Everything is customized, and it’s very evident that they all care about the patients and their overall welfare.”

Joyce says, “Lynne is committed to maintaining her healthy and active lifestyle. She is back to cycling and paddle boarding and playing with her grandchildren. She realizes that her exercise program is the key to staying healthy and active.”