Jane is an exercise physiologist who has undergone two knee replacements, had an ankle rebuilt, and has suffered from shoulder and back pain. Over the course of five years, she has worked with KCP Physical Therapy to overcome each setback and says that KCP is her “physical therapy family” now.

She first came to KCP at the recommendation of her family physician, who she says is well-connected and knows where to send referrals. When she began to have neck and back pain, he told her, “Go see Joyce and Joy.”

On her first visit, Jane recalls thinking, “It was clear that I was in a different PT setting. It was personal and hands-on. I was immediately at ease.”

She was initially diagnosed with a shoulder impingement and cervical radiculopathy. KCP began a treatment that included trigger point dry needling, pre-modulated electrical stimulation for nerve healing, postural correction, scapular stabilization, and rotator cuff strengthening.

As she began to progress with her treatment, Jane said that she realized, “They were intent on fixing my issues – not in just six visits, but in however many it took until we got it right.”

Later, she began to have ankle and knee issues. The grandmother of five, Jane was having difficulty getting up and down off the floor when caring for them. Going down stairs was “excruciating” and left her “almost in tears.” She and her surgeon came up with a plan to rebuild her ankle and replace her knees.

Each time, Jane chose to come back to KCP for her rehabilitation. “My knees came back better and faster than anyone I know,” she says. “I’m able to use them completely.”

During her rehab periods, Jane says, “They took care of me while I was here and gave me things I could do when I left. I didn’t just get a tear-off list of exercises. They were tailored to what I had at home and what I could do.”

As someone who has had a years-long relationship with KCP’s practice, Jane says that she has many reasons for continuing to choose KCP.

Among them, she says that she appreciates how they look at the whole person. “I came in with shoulder issues, and we ended up also discovering that my hips were out of place,” she says. “As an exercise physiologist, I know about all of this stuff. I think that as people get older, we start to accept that things hurt, and we let them hurt for too long. I think that’s not acceptable, and I come back when things start to hurt. I trust their evaluations.”

Jane’s physical therapist at KCP, Joyce Kight, appreciates working with her as a patient. “Jane is very in-tune to her needs and is dedicated to her recovery,” Joyce says. “She is always a pleasure to work with – she has an infectious joy of life and love of family.”

Jane is more active with the family these days and says that she can do a lot more with the grandkids. “I missed a lot,” she admits, “but I’m in a good place now.”